Endoru's Vocab Log

Simply a log of English vocabulary that Endoru finds new throughout his encounters with texts from various medias, hoping to utilize them in his writings, giving a step up in improving his style in conveying things no matter what the form it may be. Peace.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Vocab of the Day #7

  1. inquisitiveness : the quality or state of being inquisitive; the disposition to seek explanation and information; curiosity to learn what is unknown; esp., uncontrolled and impertinent curiosity. (a person whose inquisitiveness is seconded by great activity, without this busy inquisitiveness, will make them dull)
  2. vista : a distant view through or along an avenue or opening, an extensive mental view (as over a stretch of time or a series of events).
  3. irate : roused to ire (an irate taxpayer), arising from anger (irate words).
  4. adverse : acting against or in a contrary direction (hindered by adverse winds), opposed to one's interests (an adverse verdict, heard testimony adverse to their position, adverse criticism, adverse drug effects)
  5. justifiable : capable of being justified, excusable (justifiable family pride)


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