Endoru's Vocab Log

Simply a log of English vocabulary that Endoru finds new throughout his encounters with texts from various medias, hoping to utilize them in his writings, giving a step up in improving his style in conveying things no matter what the form it may be. Peace.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Vocab of the Day #6

  1. dormant : lying asleep or as if asleep; inactive. Temporarily quiescent. (dormant volcano. a dormant reading enthusiast.)
  2. adage : A saying that sets forth a general truth and that has gained credit through long use.
  3. stint : a length of time spent in a particular way. A fixed amount or share of work allotted. A limitation or restriction. (a two-year stint in the military. working without stint.)
  4. tether : to fasten or restrict with or as if with a tether/rope. (too tethered to my headphones)


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